Enterprise Virtual Reality Taking Significant Steps Forward in 2023

Jussi Havu
October 25, 2023
enterprise virtual reality meeting

Virtual Reality (VR) is no longer the stuff of science fiction. In recent years, VR technology has rapidly evolved and found its way into various industries, offering a range of exciting possibilities. Businesses, both big and small, have begun harnessing the power of VR to transform the way they operate, interact with customers, and improve employee training.

In this blog post, we’ll look at the latest developments of Enterprise VR in 2023 and delve into the ways businesses are embracing VR to gain a competitive edge and explore new horizons.

What is Enterprise VR?

Enterprise Virtual Reality refers to the utilization of immersive and interactive VR technology for business applications. It enables companies to use immersive 3D environments for various purposes, such as design, training, collaboration and various types of meetings.

Incorporating VR into business operations provides businesses with benefits such as:

Improved training outcomes
Enhanced remote collaboration
Boosted creativity in projects
Improved team productivity
Engaging and immersive product demonstrations for customers

Recent advancements in Enterprise VR Value Chain

The year 2023 has marked a significant milestone in the virtual reality industry, especially in the context of enterprise applications.

Tech giants like Meta, Apple and Lenovo have introduced VR devices designed primarily for business use. With a broader selection of VR devices on the market, VR headsets are becoming not only more accessible but also more affordable. For instance, Meta reduced the price of their Meta Quest 2 to $299, broadening the audience for this transformative technology.

This shift is democratizing the use of VR in the business world, allowing a more extensive range of organizations to harness its potential for enhanced training, collaboration, and immersive experiences.

In a world with widespread hybrid and remote work arrangements, there is a growing demand for technology capable of replicating the immersive experience of in-person communication. VR has emerged as a game-changer, enabling remote teams to engage at a level comparable to face-to-face interactions.

Moreover, businesses have uncovered distinctive uses for VR, such as virtual product presentations and training, where the technology delivers exceptional engagement and immersion, surpassing the capabilities of 2D alternatives.

While hardware is a crucial aspect of a successful VR setup, software plays an equally important role in delivering a seamless experience. As businesses embrace VR technologies in their operations, security has become a central concern.

It’s crucial to seamlessly integrate VR devices with proper software into corporate systems without compromising sensitive data. For this reason, we here at Glue have obtained an ISO/IEC 27001 certificate, demonstrating our commitment to providing a secure VR collaboration platform.

How is virtual reality used in business?

Enterprise VR has become a powerful tool for businesses by enhancing training, collaboration, and customer experiences.

1. VR for corporate training

VR training is a digital simulation of real-life scenarios, designed for training and skill development. Using VR headsets, individuals can practice and acquire new skills or undergo specific training in a virtual environment that mimics real-world situations.

VR training stands out from other types of training due to its immersive nature, making it particularly valuable in industries requiring hands-on experience, such as healthcare, aviation, and manufacturing.

The benefits of VR training in a corporate setting are immense. It offers immersive and interactive learning experiences in a safe and controlled environment, which is especially valuable in industries with hazardous or complex tasks.

Moreover, it enhances employee engagement, accelerates learning, reduces costs associated with traditional training methods, and provides valuable data analytics for performance tracking and improvement.

As VR training is a popular topic for our customers, we’ve created a detailed article on the topic.

2. Immersive product presentations in VR

Businesses are leveraging VR technology to transform the way they present their products to customers. VR offers the opportunity for customers to experience products as if they were physically next to them, whether it’s a massive manufacturing line or a cutting-edge quantum computer.

VR product presentations captivate the audience, allow them to explore and interact with the offerings and as a result make more informed decisions. The high level of engagement is particularly valuable in industries where visualizing complex systems or high-tech equipment is challenging through traditional means.

The use of VR for product presentations offers businesses across various sectors a powerful tool to communicate their value propositions effectively and create a lasting impression on potential clients and partners.

Explore our recent blog on VR product presentations, featuring real-world examples from companies like Deutsche Telekom, KLM, and IQM.

3. Remote collaboration

VR is changing the landscape of remote collaboration by providing teams with a shared virtual space for interactive collaboration.

The technology enables teams separated by geographical distances to come together and collaborate on projects, brainstorm ideas, and review work as if they were in the same physical space.

The immersive nature of VR enhances engagement and ensures that participants actively absorb information and skills, resulting in a more profound and lasting impact.

Moreover, VR eliminates the need for physical travel, contributing to significant cost savings for companies while fostering productive team training experiences.

Explore our customer success stories, featuring Deutsche Telekom, Axel Springer, and IQM, as they share their VR journey to success.

How to Manage a Fleet of VR devices in Your Organization?

One of the recent advancements in the VR industry has been the improvements in how to manage a fleet of VR devices in your organization. We have been glad to see the major mobile device management solutions being adopted into managing VR headsets.

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a solution that allows organizations to manage, secure, and monitor mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and now, VR headsets, across an enterprise.

By extending its capabilities to VR headsets, MDM streamlines the deployment, configuration, and ongoing management of VR technology in enterprises. IT administrators can efficiently provision and control VR devices, ensuring consistent and secure deployments.

MDM simplifies the management of VR devices within enterprises, ensuring a level of control and security similar to that of traditional mobile devices. Ultimately, this streamlined management through MDM makes the implementation of VR into businesses more accessible and efficient.


As the VR industry value chain continues to evolve and VR becomes more accessible, businesses of all sizes can harness the power of VR to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

The growing attention and adoption of Enterprise VR highlight its significance in the business world, proving that it is indeed a reality for forward-thinking organizations.

The advancements in the industry not only demonstrate the readiness of Enterprise VR but also shows its transformative potential, offering businesses the tools they need to excel in today’s modern business landscape.

Is Your Business VR-Ready?

Let’s Dive In!

Book a demo with us to explore enterprise VR opportunities

for your business.

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