Into the Metaverse and beyond

Into the Metaverse and beyond

“New realities into the Metaverse and beyond” a report by Wunderman Thompson talks about the impact of the metaverse across industries, including the workplace and how the way people work changes. According to the survey included in the report, 85% of participants...
6 VR training domains business can leverage

6 VR training domains business can leverage

“A Review on Virtual Reality Skill Training Applications” study examined 48 VR training applications to validate the VR training effectiveness. The study concluded that VR training is well suited for the following six training applications: 1. Workforce training For...
How hybrid working from home works out

How hybrid working from home works out

“How hybrid working from home works out” a remarkable working paper by Nick Bloom, Ruobing Han & James Liang identified the benefits of hybrid working from home in an experiment held together with, a global travel agency. The experiment revealed 4 key...
Benefits of the metaverse for business

Benefits of the metaverse for business

Deloitte recently published a comprehensive “Welcome to the metaverse” report covering the topic from different points of view, and in today’s Glue Insights we wanted to highlight the identified benefits of metaverse for businesses. Benefits of Metaverse for...
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