Work-From-Anywhere concept

Work-From-Anywhere concept

Work-from-home (WFH) become a new norm for many companies after the pandemic. Now some companies go even further and implement a new concept called Work-from-anywhere (WFA), meaning that employees can live where they want. WFA provides geographic flexibility and is...
Expressive avatars increase social presence

Expressive avatars increase social presence

“Participants interacting with highly expressive avatars felt more social presence and attraction and exhibited better task performance than those interacting with low-expressive avatars” This is the statement from the results of the research study by Wu Yuanjie, Wang...
Sustainability action plan for travelling

Sustainability action plan for travelling

IBM Institute for Business Value published a “Balancing sustainability and profitability” report, focusing on how companies should act to protect the environment and stay profitable by adapting to the behaviour changes of the consumers. Travel & mobility is one of...
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