VR as a communication medium

VR as a communication medium

Virtual reality can facilitate communication that is just as intricate and rich as face-to-face interactions. That’s the finding of the research study on VR as a communication medium. The study found that VR-mediated communication can be as complex and nuanced as...
Metaverse Predictions 2023

Metaverse Predictions 2023

PwC identified six metaverse predictions that businesses can expect to take force in 2023. These are the four most fundamental ones: 1. Businesses will be the metaverse power users 💪 Business applications take the lead with practical use cases such as onboarding,...
Gen Z and the Metaverse

Gen Z and the Metaverse

“Global collaboration is the future of the metaverse.” This is one of the key takeaways from “Gen Z and the Metaverse” report published by Nokia & Ipsos. As Gen Z has grown up online, they’re accustomed to working online and have a strong...
Virtual space matters

Virtual space matters

Virtual space matters. A large-scale, longitudinal study on avatars and virtual environments found that spacious, panoramic spaces increase synchrony, presence, enjoyment, and realism.  Panoramic, spacious virtual environments provide a feeling of freedom, and...
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