Glue Customer Showcase: IQM

Jussi Havu
September 8, 2022
glue customer story IQM

IQM is a leading quantum computing hardware company and a key player in Europe’s vibrant quantum ecosystem. Having partners and customers all over the world, it is essential for IQM to have an efficient way of presenting its world-leading technology.

IQM’s challenge was to figure out how to showcase a quantum computer to customers and users. Quantum computers are enormous machines and it is not always possible to demonstrate them physically at fairs, exhibitions or for international customers.

Raghunath Koduvayur, Head of Marketing and Communications at IQM, shares how Glue helped them to find a solution. Together with Glue, IQM built a custom virtual reality experience, a custom VR space in Glue where a visitor can learn about quantum computers and see what happens inside one. 

“So, we combined the product video and the VR experience, where we could then carry a quantum computer to masses in every exhibition, in every roadshow where IQM is present.” – shares Raghunath.

Now, IQM uses Glue for every event and every product showcase meeting they have because it is such a powerful way to visualise the technology, engage with a client and demonstrate the potential of quantum computing.

“We’ve been using this VR experience in every event we have been to and also with every visitor who visits the IQM office. And this is something that has been a big hit with all the consumers because normal people who have just heard of quantum computers to put on VR glasses and to experience it, to open up a quantum computer is something that’s a wow moment.” – says Raghunath.


IQM customer story is a great example of how Glue helps to solve business challenges:

“Fantastic to see how Glue helps businesses to innovate and present their leading-edge technologies to broader audiences, customers and partners. IQM customer story is an excellent illustration of why Glue exists and how VR technologies help to solve business challenges and opens the door to new opportunities.” – says Jussi Havu, Glue CEO.

Watch the full customer showcase video to learn more about Glue & IQM collaboration. 

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